News in April 2021

In the past few months, the activities in Kirpal Sagar have been continuing safely despite the restrictions due to the pandemic.

Per order of the government, schools in India had to switch to distance learning for the second time. The time was used for renovation. In the boarding school, the rooms are gradually being refurbished. A school internet connection is provided to each workplace, giving students access to certain websites and learning programs. Moreover, in view of the time when life returns to normal and the appetites of growing up young people, the school got a chapati machine that can produce this popular flatbread in large quantities.

On November 30th, celebrations on the occasion of Guru Nanak’s birthday took place. On that same day, also the newly designed administration office of Kirpal Sagar Academy was opened and inaugurated.

In the month of December, on the occasion of Dr. Harbhajan Singh’s birthday, the wedding ceremony of two needy bridal couples, on a smaller scale than normally, was hosted. It was accompanied by good wishes and a complete set of basic equipment for their young household.

Although Punjab is mainly home to Sikhs, Christmas did not go unnoticed. The teachers of Kirpal Sagar Academy delighted students and residents of Kirpal Sagar with Christmas carols and Santa hats.

When one thinks of India, one generally associates it with heat and sun. But in the North, the winter season is surprisingly cold, damp and foggy. This was also the case on New Year’s Day, which all celebrated together in the Sarovar.

In February, people usually come from many countries on the occasion of Sant Kirpal Singh’s birthday on February 6th. This time the celebrations were smaller. Due to the situation, no religious dignitaries could be invited. However, according to the Indian tradition, many members contributed with songs and small speeches to make a nice programme. It is striking how talented many are at singing, so that a very warm atmosphere can often arise spontaneously, which could not have been planned in such a way.

In agriculture, crops are also harvested in winter, including turmeric, which is now also known in the West for its healing properties and is indispensable in Indian cuisine. Holding the fresh, rather reddish tubers in one’s hands leaves traces of rich yellow that are very lasting, and makes one understand how much Indians also like to wear these familiar bright colours they are surrounded by. The harvest of Apple Ber, a local stone fruit very rich in vitamins A and C, followed in March. Organic cultivation of avocados was also prepared.

At the end of February, work began on widening and paving the access road to Kirpal Sagar:

A special event every year is the Daughters of Punjab programme associated with Biji Surinder Kaur’s birthday on March 10th. It was held this year, too, and with enthusiasm the young women presented their songs, poems and skills as well as handicrafts. The addresses honoured Biji Surinder Kaur very lovingly. Many had experienced her personally, as a mother, a spiritual role model and a courageous “manager” of the huge project in a men’s domain. The importance of woman and girls was always a big concern for her.


The memory of Biji’s last days and the celebrations of March 19th are always a wistful end to this month.

O man, it will not take time to break your vessel. It is just a palace of smoke and the walls are made out of sand. And only with one spark it will burn. You came only like a dream of one night spent under the tree. He is above you and seeing you. The night will be soon over and at last one day we have to leave this world. It is just a place of travelers. The vessel filled with Amrit is in us and the ray of sun is on this vessel. When this vessel will break, nothing will happen to the sun. Like this we are a part of God. When this vessel is destroyed, soul will not get destroyed.(…)

By the way the Master has given to us, which means to die while alive, we can reach where the home of the soul is and get the true salvation. This life is just like a paper, out of it you can make the kite and it flies towards the heaven.

Biji Surinder Kaur


Then, in mid-April, Vaisakhi, the Sikh spring harvest festival, is celebrated. According to the Hindu solar calendar, it is also a New Year’s festival. This year it was held on a smaller scale in the Sarovar. And so we will conclude with the words of Sant Kirpal Singh on this occasion:

Today is the festival of Vaisakhi, which is celebrated in different ways according to the various religious customs. Nature itself celebrates by sprouting of new buds and leaves, and the new life begins from this season. We should take a lesson from Nature and sprout forth with a new life.

Sant Kirpal Singh